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July 13, 2009



Cheryl, you have such a gift with words!! And my husband uses the socks and things method for inspiration also, lol.

Carrie P.

Well, I guess the socks and thongs helped your husband to come up with a great idea. LOL
Someone is going to love whatever you send them I am sure.


Great rose arch. I bought a new one this morning called Blue Rhapsody- very good if you can get holds of it there.

Ooo secret parcels! Someone is goign to have fun. :-)

Ooo PS finished Verandah Views 7 so I am up to date again bar borders. That one was fun with the wisteria. You have such a talent for drawing.


See my hand waving in the air????Surprises are fun :o)!!
Joy :o)


My hands up, I love surprises too.

lissa in scotland

I love surprises! what? when? where? can't wait

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