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August 10, 2012



I love those kitties! So funny. ;p


I love to look at cats too !! They can sleep in very odd positions or places... like tiny baskets !!!
Have a good time in Sydney !


Cheryl, I love your Gail project. The different colours are wonderful. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see the finished product.
Got to love cats, wish I could sleep like that!!!


So glad Moo is enjoying her trip, and happy birthday to your Waterboy! Such handsome kids you have, Cheryl. Love the projects you're working on. Ratty is too funny - I have a basket similar to that, and my Hermione just loves it even though it's too small. Cats!
Enjoy your trip!

Vickie Collier

what an happy cheeeery post Cheryl, I feel all warm and fuzzy and right before bed and that is great considering it is way way past my bedtime....Oohh what's that a Pink issue,I'll be buying that for sure..have a super weekend,cheers Vickie


The beutiful cats.

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