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November 01, 2012



Oh, I do hope Ratty gets well quickly. Saying good-bye to that character will be heart breaking. :(


Cheryl, you have been a very busy gal. I am so glad you have put up your freebies again as I have your button for A Little Bit French on my blog. I hope you have fun in March. I was hoping to go to catch up with all the girls from the forum but I don't think I can get there now.


Hope Ratty gets well soon sweetie!!! What a fabulous time we had with Joy and the SUDs gang!! I'll send you and Joy some pics honey. LOVE what you're up to with QFD and can't wait to see more!!! Enjoy sweetheart!!! Loves ya guts! Vikki xxxxx


looking forward to seeing what your secret project is Cheryl,boy you have been busy,love the beach pic.xx


I love your free patterns and I am sure that others will love them too - now if I could find the time to actually sew them instead of just looking at them and dreaming about having the time.
Get well RattyCat!!!

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